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Everything You Need to Know About Safety Razors!

Safety razors are absolutely essential for anyone wanting to experience an incredibly close and smooth shave whilst reducing skin irritation. Unlike cartridge or electric razors, safety razors don't require a lot of pressure in order to be effective and give you the best shave possible.

Safety razors are also more affordable in the long run since you can replace just the single, double edge razor blade, which is much cheaper than replacing an entire cartridge or electric razor head.

Safety razors give you greater control over your shave due to the weight of the handle allowing for better maneuverability while shaving.

All these factors help make safety razors a great choice for those looking for a close, smooth and comfortable shave.

Where it all started for safety razors.

What is a safety razor?
Developed in the late 19th century, safety razors revolutionized the shave by providing a much more safety-conscious and hygienic approach to cutting facial hair.

The safety razor is designed with a protective guard or safety bar in order to help reduce the chances of cutting or nicking yourself while shaving. Thanks to its innovative design, this safety device prevents you from accidentally cutting yourself while shaving by separating the blade when held at an incorrect angle. Meanwhile, it offers a comfortable and secure shave experience when held against your skin in the right way.

Why are safety razors making a comeback?

Safety razors provide a much closer and smoother shave than cartridge or electric razors, whilst reducing irritation on the skin. Safety razors are also more affordable in the long run since you can replace just the razor blades, which is usually much cheaper than replacing an entire cartridge or electric razor head. Furthermore, safety razors give you greater control over your shave due to their heavier handles allowing for better maneuverability while shaving.

  • Safety razors also create less waste since only one metal blade needs to be disposed after use compared to multiple blades encased in plastic with cartridge systems.
    All these factors have helped make safety razors increasingly attractive in recent years as people look for better and more economical shaves.

Are there different types of safety razors?

Open Comb vs Closed Comb Safety Razors

An open comb safety razor has sharp, outward-facing teeth which help to lift hairs off the skin for a closer shave. a open comb safety razor has a smooth, rounded guard which helps guide the blade more gently over your skin for a milder shave. Additionally, an open comb safety razor will provide more blade exposure than a closed comb one.

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In summary, closed combs are better for experienced shavers who desire close shaving and are ideal for beginners looking for gentle and mild shaves with minimal risk of injury.

How long do safety razors last?

Safety razors can last for many years if they are properly maintained and cared for. The safety razor blades themselves generally last anywhere from four to seven shaves, although this varies depending on the type of safety razor and how often it is used. If a safety razor is kept clean, dry and stored correctly, it should be able to provide many years of comfortable use.

What type of blade does a safety razor use?

A safety razor uses a double edge razor blade, usually made from stainless steel or high-carbon steel. These blades are designed to be sharp and offer an extremely close shave with minimal irritation compared to multi-blade cartridge razors.

Can double edge razor blades be recycled?

Yes, double edge razor blades can be recycled infinitely. It's important to first check with your local recycling centre for safety regulations and disposal methods as some centers have different requirements. We always recommend to use a blade recycling bin to safely dispose and recycle used blades.